
iOS WebView workaround not working

mfulton26 opened this issue · 3 comments

I see that for iOS I can take a video or photo using the camera as the live user media stream is not available in Chrome for iOS nor in the PWA one added to the home screen from Safari. This seems like a good workaround but I cannot get it to work with a static video or photo.

e.g. I tested on an apple juice bottle with a smartlabel QR code:


@mfulton26 Yes. Seems like its a bug. I am also not able to make it work. I will try it. Thanks for reporting

@mfulton26 Hi, Just wanted to let you know in IOS 13.4 verision, webkit webview (ADD to home screen) allows camera API. It works.



Thus closing this issue. Feel free to re-open.

that must be new, thank you