

ShaDyDeVIL888 opened this issue · 0 comments


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What happened?

It says it minted but it didn't

What have you tried?

I Googled and asked the community in the discord server but could not find a solution.

Relevant log output

Hello, I have succesfully minted 437 nfts on polygon, opensea, but when I want to continue it tells me it minted but there is no process invilved as I see the 'completed' text immediately and there are no files on opensea. 

PS D:\Photoshop\Project\Project\create-10k-nft-collection> npm run mint --start=438

> mint
> node utils/nftport/mint %npm_config_start% %npm_config_end%

OK to mint 438-Remaining? (y/n): y
Minting complete. To check for errors run command: npm run check_txns --dir=minted
PS D:\Photoshop\Project\Project\create-10k-nft-collection>

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