Dacooa opened this issue · 20 comments
I can upload the files just fine but it is the metadata will not upload for me no matter what I do. I even when back and through old threads and attempt to fix the problem that way.
Did you figure this out? I am having the same error on uploading the metadata. I figured out the 502 issue for uploading files, but the same fix doesn't work for metadata.
Hey Dacooa, I figured it out. Completely close the open terminal, Minter Dapp and Visual Code. Re-open both. Open new terminal. Run the commands over for cd backend, npm i, and npm run upload_metadata. This just worked for me. I hope it works for you!
I tried that a few times. I will try restarting computer and reopening the programs once again when I get home but I feel like I exhausted all my resources.
The only other advise I can offer (because I am new to coding) is to double check you are using the v0.0.2 release. This is the new release that says the 502 issue with metadata is fixed. However, I still had issues and had to try three times to get it to work and finally restarted everything to get it to work. Plus, I tried doing this with downloading the Minter Dapp zip file and was not able to move forward until I forked the code and started all over again. I know it's frustrating. Hope you can get the help you need to move forward with your project.
I am using the correct version. it's still not working and I really don't wanna re-upload my nfts to ifps. I have a collection of 24k and it took three days of re running the uploading the files over and over again. I will keep trying different things I guess
Created a new fork, transfered the files over and I am still getting the same problem. This is getting tiresome.
I had the same error. I was not going for the option of revealing the NFTs so I put 'false' in the Generic metadata field & "Unknown" for the following options as instructed. I run the same command I got hit by error 502, I was not sure why I was getting this error as I did everything as instructed. Then I changed the "Unknown" to null and again hit the command and it got through.
Final variation
const GENERIC = false; // Set to true if you want to upload generic metas and reveal the real NFTs in the future
const GENERIC_TITLE = CONTRACT_NAME; // Replace with what you want the generic titles to say if you want it to be different from the contract name.
const GENERIC_DESCRIPTION = null; // Replace with what you want the generic descriptions to say.
const GENERIC_IMAGE = null; // Replace with your generic image that will display for all NFTs pre-reveal.
If you similar condition then please try this and see if it works for you too.
I was planning on doing a reveal.
is it possible to move forward without uploading the metadata. what happens if I don't upload the metadata
I don't understand how I am suppose to get help on the discord community if I can't communicate with the server or anyone on it.
I can get everything to work but the Meta data to upload. I tried manually uploading it to IPFS but must be doing something wrong because it's not registering with openseas test network. What is wrong with this program.
I solved the problem same as you! just copy package.json into your minter-dapp folder , re-open terminal then cd backend, npm i, and npm run upload_metadata
"name": "minter-dapp-backend",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "Generate an NFT collection and deploy a minting dapp easy!!",
"main": "index.js",
"bin": "index.js",
"pkg": {
"assets": [
"scripts": {
"build": "node index.js",
"generate": "node index.js",
"rarity": "node utils/rarity",
"rarity_md": "node utils/functions/getRarity_fromMetadata",
"rarity_rank": "node utils/functions/rarity_rank.js",
"preview": "node utils/preview.js",
"pixelate": "node utils/pixelate.js",
"update_info": "node utils/update_info.js",
"preview_gif": "node utils/preview_gif.js",
"create_generic": "node utils/nftport/genericMetas",
"upload_files": "node utils/nftport/uploadFiles",
"upload_metadata": "node utils/nftport/uploadMetas",
"deploy_contract": "node utils/nftport/deployContract",
"get_contract": "node utils/nftport/retrieveContract",
"update_public_mint_start_date": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u public_mint_start_date",
"update_presale_mint_start_date": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u presale_mint_start_date",
"update_presale_whitelisted_addresses": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u presale_whitelisted_addresses",
"update_presale_whitelisted_addresses_remove": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u presale_whitelisted_addresses_remove",
"update_royalty_share": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u royalty_share",
"update_royalty_address": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u royalty_address",
"update_base_uri": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u base_uri",
"update_prereveal_token_uri": "node utils/nftport/updateContract.js -u prereveal_token_uri",
"⏬⏬⏬": "FOR MAC USERS: Replace %npm_config_xyz% with $npm_config_start ⏬⏬⏬",
"refresh_os": "node utils/functions/refreshOpensea %npm_config_start% %npm_config_end%"
"author": "Jesse Hall (codeSTACKr)",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"async-sema": "^3.1.1",
"canvas": "^2.8.0",
"commander": "^9.0.0",
"dotenv": "^16.0.0",
"form-data": "^4.0.0",
"gif-encoder-2": "^1.0.5",
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.9",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.6",
"puppeteer": "^13.4.1",
"puppeteer-extra": "^3.2.3",
"puppeteer-extra-plugin-adblocker": "^2.12.0",
"puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth": "^2.9.0",
"sha1": "^1.1.1",
"upload-file": "^1.2.0",
"yesno": "^0.3.1"
copy this
it didn't work for me... I even went as far as to reformat my computer. I literally tried everything. this is the only thing that doesn't work for me.
I guess i will try to continue to spam it until something actually happens. Nothing works and I been stuck on this for two weeks and my collection is a month late.
had same problem i ran this: npm audit fix and then tried it again then it worked.
Sadly this didn't work either, I so lost on what kind but stopping me from finishing my collection.
I am facing the same issue any help so far.