
Option to Keeping aligned spaces?

krishKM opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Visual Studio version: [example 2022 Community]
  • CodeMaid version: [12.0]
  • Code language: [C#]


Probably not an issue but more likely a question. Where can I set to keep blank spaces?
I have code aligned at = sign and would like to keep the spaces/alignments. Currently, all such formattings are lost after code-cleanup. Is there a way to instruct CodeMaid to keep the spaces or keep the alignments?
(I've added dots to keep the space to show this example)

var item..................= Something();
var anotherItem..= Something();
Dummy dummy..= Something();

Steps to recreate

Perform code cleanup. which removes all spaces

Current behavior

All spaces are removed

Expected behavior

An option that allows to keep spaces between codes for alignments.