
allow analysis of commit messages

aspiers opened this issue · 4 comments

This spec only seems to provide any mechanism for engines analysing source files, not commit messages. Is that right, and if so, please could it be extended to allow analysis of commit messages? There are already tools such as Gitlint and m1foley/fit-commit which do this analysis client-side, and it would be obviously beneficial to be able to enforce the quality imposed by such audits.

I guess it's easier to simply install gitlint and/or fit-commit in the server-side CI environment and run them as part of the tests:

So maybe this feature request could be ignored, but I'll leave it open for now in case anyone else has any thoughts.

Hi @aspiers,

Thanks for the feedback. Supporting issues on things other than files is something we've discussed internally, and in fact analyzing commit messages is the use case we've most often discussed as well. So this is certainly something we're interested in supporting.

We do not currently know when we might schedule the work necessary to support this, but knowing what features customers would find useful is always helpful for deciding what to work on, so thanks for opening this: we'll keep this issue open as a potential enhancement.

Hey @aspiers,

You should definitely check out / by our friends at @artsy. It has a bunch of cool features including support for commit message analysis.

@dblandin Looks great, thanks!