
Report file not being generated

ziggurat opened this issue · 5 comments

I am getting this after running rspec:

{"url": "    ref=182376c518e87447a8c73a91a8bae1526cc59c4c", "meta": {"status": 200, "request": "400cf6a4-1c95-    437e-a1ca-ef7d3dafc939"}, "uploaded": true, "queued": true, "message": "Coverage reports upload     successfully"}

But still no report on the site. If I run the bash command manually I got:

(version) 7749084
==> No CI detected, using git for branch and commit sha.
==> find . -type f -name '*.gcno'  -exec gcov  {} +
==> Searching for coverage reports
**> Python coverage not found
**> No coverage report found.

Hey @ziggurat currently the Bash uploader is not compatible with Ruby. I will work to support it in the near future but for now you'll need to follow the directions on the readme to integrate with Codecov:


Hi @stevepeak . I have a bitbucket project and a CI environment in CodeShip. Evetyhing is configured as indicated in the readme but I still get "No reports uploaded" and the instructions are to use the bash script. Any hints?

@ziggurat can you try to push us another build. I saw an issue with building your report that I have fixed. Thank you!

@stevepeak Perfect!! It's working now. Thanks!!

akun1 commented

Any work done to support Ruby now? Still getting similar error 5 years later 😅

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