
0% Code coverage

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am currently having an issue with another project reporting 0% code coverage with jacoco. So, I tried another app of mine which is reporting the same thing. Then, I downloaded this repo and tried it, same results.
Steps to reproduce:
Clone repo
./gradlew connectedCheck
Open up 'example-android/sample-app/build/reports/coverage/free/debug/index.html' in chrome.
screen shot 2017-04-07 at 1 48 44 pm

What's confusing about this, is I am using codecov for a Workout Application I am building. My codecoverage is merged and shows fine on (79%). But when I run ./gradlew connectedCheck from cmd and check the html report, I am getting 0% test coverage. Am I the only one running into this issue? It's happening on 3 of my projects. The same is happening here, the codecov shows 100% but if you run ./gradlew connectedCheck and check the report, it's saying 0%.