
The base commit is incorrect and 10+ months old

Closed this issue · 18 comments


The project uses this action (Workflow config for coverage reporting and tracking.

Coverage report on the most recent PR merged to main open-telemetry/opamp-go#207 shows 71.58% (-4.54%) compared to open-telemetry/opamp-go@efddaa2. However, the base commit used for comparison is from last year, Nov 18th. Similarly, for the PRs which are yet to be merged, I assumed they would be compared against the main, i.e. open-telemetry/opamp-go@c1931d7 but these runs also use efddaa which is incorrect. Here is an example PR that has a wrong base commit: open-telemetry/opamp-go#192.

Is this the right place, or should I open a support request at

Thank you for posting this. I noticed the same issue with my PR (same project) open-telemetry/opamp-go#209

It's impossible to make use of the information when it compares coverage to an arbitrary old commit.

Hello @rohan-at-sentry / @thomasrockhu-codecov, can we get some help here? Is this a bug or misconfiguration from the original repo side?

Thanks for raising this @srikanthccv . Was the base commit from last year, Nov 18th the last time the project uploaded coverage successfully?

@rohan-at-sentry how can I get what was the last commit that had coverage uploaded successfully? This is the output of the recent upload job on the main branch. The repo is I see that some output URL contains Should it be for the context tigran is one of the maintainers of the project who set up codecov. Is there any chance that could be the reason?

Run codecov/codecov-action@v3
  execArgs: [
==> linux OS detected
Received SHA256SUM b[9](  codecov
Received SHA256SUM signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----


==> SHASUM file signed by key id 806bb28aed779869
==> Uploader SHASUM verified (b9282b8b43eef83f722646d8992c4dd36563046afe0806722184e7e9923a6d7b  codecov)
==> Running version latest
==> Running version v0.7.1
/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v3/dist/codecov -n  -Q github-action-3.1.4 -Z -f ./coverage.out -v
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.805Z] ['verbose'] Start of uploader: 1704840489805...
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.806Z] ['info'] 
     _____          _
    / ____|        | |
   | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
   | |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
   | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
    \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/

  Codecov report uploader 0.7.1
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.812Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /home/runner/work/opamp-go/opamp-go
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.813Z] ['info'] ->  Token found by environment variables
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.814Z] ['verbose'] Start of network processing...
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.814Z] ['verbose'] Searching for files in /home/runner/work/opamp-go/opamp-go
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.822Z] ['verbose'] coveragepy is not installed
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.822Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.860Z] ['verbose'] Preparing to clean the following coverage paths: ./coverage.out
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.860Z] ['info'] => Found 1 possible coverage files:
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.860Z] ['verbose'] End of network processing
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.860Z] ['info'] Processing ./coverage.out...
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.864Z] ['info'] Detected GitHub Actions as the CI provider.
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.864Z] ['verbose'] -> Using the following env variables:
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_ACTION: __codecov_codecov-action
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_HEAD_REF: 
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_REF: refs/heads/main
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_REPOSITORY: open-telemetry/opamp-go
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_RUN_ID: 74678[11](
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_SERVER_URL:
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_SHA: 103f86[12](
[2024-01-09T22:48:09.865Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_WORKFLOW: build-and-test
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] Using the following upload parameters:
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] branch
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] build
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] buildURL
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] commit
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] job
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] pr
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] service
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] slug
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] name
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.112Z] ['verbose'] tag
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.1[13](] ['verbose'] flags
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.113Z] ['verbose'] parent
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.1[14](] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=main&build=7467811268&
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.114Z] ['verbose'] Passed token was 36 characters long
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.114Z] ['verbose']
        Content-Type: 'text/plain'
        Content-Encoding: 'gzip'
        X-Reduced-Redundancy: 'false'
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.587Z] ['info'][18]([19](
[[20](] ['verbose'] Returned upload url:
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.587Z] ['info'] Uploading...
[2024-01-09T22:48:10.770Z] ['info'] {"status":"processing","resultURL":""}
[2024-01-09T[22]([48](] ['verbose'] End of uploader: 9[66]( milliseconds

@srikanthccv something feels off here. If you look at the codecov UI for the project, it seems like we're last seeing successfully processed reports from commits 8 months ago

@drazisil-codecov can you take a look here when you're in tomorrow?

Thanks @rohan-at-sentry. Seems like has the most recent successful uploads instead of I suspect it could be because of the token used? but I will check with the project maintainers once.

@andykellr I see a similar issue with the example you linked as well

@rohan-at-sentry we have a new commit that got uploaded to codecov under the correct account but the didn't make any difference. We would really appreciate it if you could help us figure out what's happening and change the base commit to the latest main.

When are you uploading coverage? On all commits, or only on PRs?

@drazisil-codecov On pull request and on push to main.

@drazisil-codecov On pull request and on push to main.

Can you link me the latest PR on, please? It's looks like you are experiencing missing base commits, which would explain why Codecov reaches so far back to find a base to use.

Here is a one such PR which uses the incorrect base base efddaa2

What we noticed was the commits on this had the correct reports uploaded but they were supposed to be here

Here is a one such PR which uses the incorrect base base efddaa2

What we noticed was the commits on this had the correct reports uploaded but they were supposed to be here

Were you able to confirm you were using the correct upload token? Was that maybe from running the CI as a fork? How to you pass the token to the uploader?

Were you able to confirm you were using the correct upload token?

Yes, we made sure it was using the correct token

Was that maybe from running the CI as a fork?

How to verify or disprove this?

How to you pass the token to the uploader?

GitHub secrets which are provided to codecov during actions run

If it's being passed as an repo secret then a fork would not have access, I believe.

I think it may have been a case of fixing whatever was not uploading from main. looks ok.

Can you let me know if your next PR does as well?

Thank you, let me check and get back.

@srikanthccv @andykellr I'm closing this issue. If it persists, please let us know