
JsonApi Ignoring MissingMemberHandling Serializer Setting

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I am setting the MissingMemberHandling to Error in the JsonApiSerializerSettings so that if there are any unknown/non-declared property in the json, I get deserialization error. However the setting is getting ignored.

          `var json = "{ \"data\": {  \"id\": \"1\",  \"type\" : \"product\",  \"attributes\" : {    \"name\": \"name\",    \"summary\": \"summary\"  } }}";

            var jsonApiSerializerSettings = new JsonApiSerializerSettings
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,

            var product = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json, jsonApiSerializerSettings);`

Whereas when using the same setting with JsonSerializerSettings, the error do get generated.

           `var json = "{  \"id\": \"1\",  \"type\" : \"product\",  \"name\": \"name\", \"summary\": \"summary\" }";

            var jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,

            var product = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json, jsonSerializerSettings);`

Below error gets generated at the deserialization:
Could not find member '{property}' on object of type '{type}'

I have also created a sample application for reference:

I have also added a failing test to the code to verify the same

Support for MissingMemebrHandling.Error is required to implement this particular part of the JSON:API spec where you want the API to reject unsupported updates which contain attributes which are not recognised:

A server MUST return 403 Forbidden in response to an unsupported request to update a resource or relationship.