
HW3 of the deep learning course: Language Models

Primary LanguagePython


HW3 of the deep learning course: Language Models


  • The code assumes a data/ directory, which contains train.txt and val.txt
  • Constants.py defines global constants:
    • VOCAB_SIZE: 8000
    • VOCAB_FILE_NAME: data/vocab.pkl (generated by data.py)
    • END TOKEN :
    • NGRAM: 3 for this assignment


  • Processed data
  • Generates:
    • data/vocab.pkl (the vocab : a dictionary mapping words to indices)
    • data/common_fourgrams.txt : The top 50 fourgrams
    • Images_NGRAM/fourgram_frequency.png: The frequency plot of four grams (Creates Images_NGRAM if not present)

NGRAM model run (lm.py)

  • Runs a NGRAM model
  • python lm.py -ne 16 -nd 128 -a linear -epochs 100 -b 512 -lr 0.1 -p 2
    • ne: embedding size (default=16)
    • nd: Hidden layer size (default 128)
    • a: Activation (linear, sigmoid, tanh) (default linear)
    • epochs: Number of epochs (default 100)
    • b: Batch size (default 512)
    • lr: Learning Rate (default 0.1)
    • p: Patience (how many epochs to wait before halving lr if performance doesnt improve) (default 2)
  • Runs the Language Model, computing the training loss, val loss, training ppx, and validation ppx
  • Generates
    • models_/model_embed_EMBED_hidden_HIDDEN_epoch_EPOCH_ppx_PPX.model
    • Summary_NGRAM/summary_activation_ACTIVATION_Hidden_HIDDEN_valppx_VALPPX.pkl (See auxillary files)

RNN Model run (rnn_lm.py)

  • Runs a RNN model
  • python rnn_lm.py -ne 16 -nd 128 -epochs 100 -b 512 -lr 0.1 -p 2 -t 2 -o False
    • ne: embedding size (default=16)
    • nd: Hidden layer size (default 128)
    • epochs: Number of epochs (default 100)
    • b: Batch size (default 512)
    • lr: Learning Rate (default 0.1)
    • p: Patience (how many epochs to wait before halving lr if performance doesnt improve) (default 2)
    • t: Truncate BPTT after (default None)
    • o: Initialize weights of RNN with orthonormal weights, known to generally help (default False)
  • Runs the RNN Model, computing the training loss, val loss, training ppx, and validation ppx
  • Truncated BPTT happens for 10% cases, when specified
  • Generates
    • models_/model_ortho_ORTHO_truncated_TRUNCATED_embed_EMBED_hidden_HIDDEN_epoch_EPOCH_ppx_PPX.model
    • Summary_RNN/summary_ortho_ORTHO_truncated_TRUNCATED_Hidden_HIDDEN_Embed_EMBED_valppx_VALPPX.pkl (See auxillary files)

Auxillary Files


The actual language model


The layers used. Defines the following classes

  • Variable: A convenient way of packing the data and gradients together
  • DenseLayer
  • EmbeddingLayer
  • BatchNormLayer


The available activation functions


The RNN Language model. Coded up in pytorch (with cuda support)


The optimizer for SGD. Currently only contains SGD with momentum and l2


The loss functions (MSE, binary_crossentroy and categorical_crossentropy)


An abstract class, used to keep track of parameters in a model


Defines a Summary and History object

  • History Keeps track of the following

    • epoch: The epoch which the history corresponds to
    • metrics: The metrics that we want to keep track of
    • weights_file: The model file for a model we want to save
    • params: The actual params which we want to store in weights_file
  • A Summary consists of a list of History objects, along with meta data (generally hyper-parameters used in a run)

    • It keeps track of the best parameters, and updates the model file, removing stale model files, and saving the best encountererd so far.

It also defines some auxillary functions

  • plot_summaries: to plot metrics of different summaries
  • generate_csv: Iterates over multiple summaries, generating a csv of accuracies etc

Finally, there are some other functions for the language model

  • generate_language : Generates sentences given a model, a vocab, and a seed
  • find_nearest_k: Finds the k nearest neighbors based on euclidien distance
  • visualize_embeddings: Scatterplot of the embedding matrix


Utilities like ProgressBar, make_directory etc