
Laravel 5.3 Class Not found

shadywattay opened this issue · 5 comments

After updating composer with required packages and registering in config/app.php, I've tried laravel-fpdf in laravel 5.3,

       "require": {
          "codedge/laravel-fpdf": "^1.0"

        'Fpdf' => Codedge\Fpdf\Facades\Fpdf::class, 

simply in web.php routes like

Route::get('GeneratePdf', function (Codedge\Fpdf\Fpdf\FPDF $fpdf) {

	$fpdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 18);
	$fpdf->Cell(50, 25, 'Hello World!');


And I'm getting error

ReflectionException in Route.php line 339:
Class Codedge\Fpdf\Fpdf\FPDF does not exist

What could possibly be wrong ?

Sorry for the late answer!
Did you try regenerating your Composer autoload classes with composer dump-autoload?

I tried with Laravel 5.3 both ways:

  • Separate Controller
  • Definition in routes/web.php as you did

Works flawlessly!

kroky commented

May I suggest where the source of the problem is?
src/Fpdf/fpdf.php file defines a class named FPDF and the service provider searches for the correct class name FPDF all uppercase. However, it seems the psr-4 autoloader expects file name to match class name in case-sensitive fashion:

I have this failing with laravel 4.2 project with same error of Class not found. Renaming fpdf.php to FPDF.php fixes the problem. Not sure why it works sometimes but it seems file name must be fixed...

Thanks @kroky for checking. I'll try to investigate and will fix if I can reliably reproduce it. A better naming could indeed be a solution.

@kroky Thank you very much kroky, i'm also facing this problem. Your solution perfectly solved it , guess psr-4 couldn't find the correct file with difference on upper/lower case. As a class has to be start with Upper case , i just renamed filename as well, everything working perfectly.

make sure you rename the file fpdf.php in src/Fpdf so that it start with a capital letter