
Contao 4.6.0-RC1 and contao-news_categories

Closed this issue · 4 comments

works fine with contao 4.4 / 4.5 but with 4.6.0-RC1 it is not possible to start news in in the BE

Attempted to load class "codefog_news_categories.listener.data_container.feed" from the global namespace. Did you forget a "use" statement?

This Contao version is not stable and thus I can't provide any support for it yet.

Sorry but this answer is unsatisfactory. No wonder nobody tests rc-versions anymore before the final is released.

I'am not amused :(

Are you using Symfony 3 or 4?

Unfortunately the open source is so exhausting I am not able to test the extension under every Contao version that is being released and thus the policy is set to test it only for stable versions. At first sight it looks like a BC break which is a bug and that's another reason I want to wait for the first stable release.