
After Update to 3.2.1 no filter visible

sfx12 opened this issue · 6 comments

sfx12 commented

I have Contao 4.93 and after the update i dont see the filtermodul in Frontend.. so something is wrong, database is updated and all caches deleted!

Do you recall what version you updated it from? There were some changes related to filters in 3.1.0…3.2.0.

You can also go to the filter module settings and check the starting level field value, it should probably be zero.

sfx12 commented

i updated from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 where can i find the starting level field value !?

Sorry, which module are we talking about – News categories list or News categories cumulative filter ?

sfx12 commented

News categories cumulative filter

It should work pretty much the same. Please take a screenshot of all your module settings so I can try to reproduce the problem.

sfx12 commented

OMG, im Sorry.. pls close the issue.. after update the modul-template was changed wrong (i dont know why) now i have chosed mod_newscategories_cumulative and know it works!!!!