Sometimes it's hard to know, because the city limits have the complexity of a fractal curve.
- "An Interactive Map Shows Leaving Las Vegas Is Easier Than You Think" - Laura Bliss, CityLab, December 2, 2014
- "Are you in Las Vegas? You may be surprised" - Ed Komenda, Las Vegas Sun, December 14, 2014
More info at Code for America.
‘Am I In Las Vegas’ (AIILV) is a Node application written in Javascript.
On a plain Ubuntu system, install the
packages.apt-get install -y nodejs npm
Install the additional Node
module:npm install express
- install node.js and npm
npm install express
npm install
npm install -g gulp
(May need sudo for this)
To run AIILV:
node server.js
In order to build the assets, you need to install gulp (npm install -g gulp).
You are of course free to use the locally installed gulp node module if you prefer. node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js
If you only want to run the SVG compiler and js compile, simply run gulp.
The default task will do a once-off compile and close.
The 'watch' task will monitor any js files for changes and re-run the browserify build automatically if any appropriate files are changed.
You may also use the "npm run-script make" and "npm run-script watch" commands to invoke gulp and gulp watch respectively.
Stylesheets are now auto-generated from source SCSS in the Express server via middleware.
On 3/12/15, "npm run-script watch" and "npm run-script test" failed due to a Browserify glitch.
Changing "watchify": "^2.4.0"
in package.json to "watchify": "0.8.1"
resolves the error, but potentially causes others. Proceed with caution.
- Evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox) - current and one previous version
- Safari - current and one previous version
- Internet Explorer 9 and above (IE8 is not supported, but there are hooks for fleshing out backwards compatibility and support should that ever become necessary)
- Mobile support: yes, but no specific minimum browsers targeted
Try these:
- Business licensing jurisdiction
- Report a problem form via the City of Las Vegas mobile site
- CLV GIS Geo services if you are more of a GIS-minded person