Update content from "Organize a Brigade" to "Resources"
GovInTrenches opened this issue · 2 comments
Phase One Quick Fix: Make the "organize' tab link to https://www.codeforamerica.org/how-tos/start-a-brigade
Phase Two Fix:
http://brigade.codeforamerica.org/brigade/organize/ should have content updated to reflect multiple ways to join in. All the links should be removed and a new link to a Knowledge Base repository should be linked to instead.
(WIll update this issue to reflect created repo)
@joduinn - Would it be easier for this knowledge base repo to be in our CfA repo or in a Brigade org repo? Ideally, we'd have a lot of people contributing to a KB repository but I didn't want to generate a lot of work keeping tabs of it on the big repo. Happy either way.
Did I see that there was a google doc of a Brigade handbook? Is that a newer approach to this than the Resources tab?