Improve "Organize A Brigade" page
tdooner opened this issue · 0 comments
Based off user interviews, we wrote the following user stories:
As a Brigade leader, I want to access guidance materials on organizing, so that I can be a more effective organizer.
As someone interested in starting a Brigade, I want to access practical guidance to help me with planning and logistics, to have a good first meetup.
As a member of the Brigade leadership, I want guidance on how to structure the Brigade and the different roles and functions for the team, so that we can work as a team more effectively. (role-based guidance)
As a Brigade leader, I’m looking for ‘good ways to do things’ case study-type stories that I can share with my Brigade, so that we can use lessons from other Brigades to do good things.
To-do list:
- Rename section to ‘Resources’
- Remove calendar page until we fix and update
- Materials: Brigade Handbook, In-Kinds
- Determine the difference between the playbook and the handbook
- Make a list of any other documents that are related to these user stories & identify resources that are missing
- Reorganize the existing resources/content to make it as useful as possible