
Add support for planning data for RTP

Closed this issue · 2 comments

So far Adam and I have found the planning data for [Durham's GIS source here](GET //ArcGIS/rest/services/DurhamMaps/DevCases/MapServer/0/query?geometry=%7B%22ymax%22%3A921388.0377604166%2C%22xmax%22%3A2228921.275173611%2C%22ymin%22%3A750608.9622395834%2C%22xmin%22%3A1874322.724826389%7D&f=json&outFields=OBJECTID%2CA_NUMBER%2CA_TYPE%2CA_DATE%2CA_STATUS%2CA_STATUS_DATE%2CA_PROJECT_NAME%2CA_DESCRIPTION%2CA_USER_ID%2CA_CASE_PLANNER%2CStatCode%2CAppStatus%2CAppCode%2CAppType%2CCasePlanner%2CEMAIL%2CORIG_FID&returnGeometry=true&outSR=4326 HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/2.3 %28Macintosh; OS X/10.11.3%29 GCDHTTPRequest).

@adamajm you have some links for Cary and Raleigh?

Sorry about that. Here is a working link.

I found some more durham permit detailed data Unfortunately its something that'd need scraping (The A_NUMBER field from the GIS queries can be used to pull up more information here). Figured out that the A_NUMBER uses the form ABBCCCCC where A is a letter, B is the year, and C is the number. With some trial and error I figured out that C is a simple incremened #... 1 is the first permit of the year, and you can search forward to find the last one pretty easily...