Enable Orlando Voting
Opened this issue · 5 comments
The voting service still needs to be enabled and the opd reports disabled. Posting the DB code again
Publisher.create! do |pub|
pub.title = "Elections"
pub.endpoint = "https://citygram-services.herokuapp.com/orlando-voting-centers"
pub.active = true
pub.visible = true
pub.city = "Orlando"
pub.icon = "voting.png"
pub.state = "FL"
pub.description = "Voting reminders for Orange County. Leadup notifications with your polling location"
pub.tags = ["orlando","orl","voting","election"]
@flyinactor91 is there a way to access this feed when it has features in it? Right now the collection is null. I haven't visited the feed at a time when it's supplying data.
I just altered the data source so that pub.endpoint returns data. Our source is designed to only supply data on the day a message needs to be sent. Elections don't come around too often. Hopefully this should suffice for testing for the time being.
@flyinactor91 Citygram errors attempting to process the feed. You can test your feed against the linter I captured these errors from feed at current moment as exemplary:
Line 98994: Polygons and MultiPolygons should follow the right-hand rule
Line 99838: the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same (x4)
There are 4 instances of the LinearRing error and dozens on the right hand rule. This will be on my check list daily, happy to try to get people to polls as best I can.
Ok. We'll verify each of the GeoJSON files through there and add any checks into the generator. We had to parse GIS files ourselves to build those, so I'm not terribly surprised that some things don't work.