
E2E Test for Browse Testimonies Page

Closed this issue · 2 comments

We want to be able to automatically test the Browse Testimonies page to build confidence in the basic functioning of the site after deploys.

Success Criteria

  • Playwright test covering the Browse Testimonies page, including:
    • Able to find Testimony via Text Search
    • Able to sort Testimonies as expected
    • Able to filter Testimonies as expected (via facets in left sidebar)
    • Able to filter Testimonies from All / Individuals / Orgs (via tabs at top of page)
    • Able to click a Testimony and successfully navigate to the Testimony Detail page for that testimony
      • This addresses a specific bug we encountered in the generation of links to testimony detail pages


  • E2E test is likely valuable here because our Typesense integration is a known pain point (and we've previously encountered navigation bugs in deployed environments on this page around the testimony detail links), but we want to be careful not to have our tests rely on specific existing testimonies (as the current court will rotate and search results may change accordingly as new bills are added and new testimonies are added for those bills, changing search rankings).

I can take this one

Question on the point of not having the search test for specific existing testimonies: Since this is testing on the dev environment (which uses staging data), is the rotation of new bills still a concern for test cases?