
Research Hosting Solution

de-la-viz opened this issue · 3 comments

Flagging website has to be hosted somewhere. Previously was HostGator.

  • Can we find a solution that is free for non-profits?
  • Can we find a solution that is easier for them to manage?

Solution should also host twitter bot. As well as, probably, the data to be visualized in the viz tool | data sharing.

We have the approval from CRWA for searching around for hosting providers and potentially get quotes as volunteers for CRWA. If there is anything that specifically requests proof of our non-profit status, please let @de-la-viz know and we will discuss it with CRWA.

Lisa and Nishaila:

I’ve spoken with my colleague, Nishaila, and both of us are not sure what the Comcast website is. I also cannot access the link you provided.
Whatever the Comcast site is, it doesn’t hold any unique data that cannot be found on hobolink or the USGS Waltham gauge - those are the only sources of data for the models.
Nishaila also alerted me to this additional information that was written up by a former CRWA staff member who helped develop our current site, which may or may not be helpful:

Hubspot can only host subdomains ( etc.) so we host our main domain on a Hostgator server. We also use hostgator to host where we house our water quality public notification app data that we then iframe into our website. When we migrate to a new website platform, if that platform can host the notification site and the and domains then we may choose to close the Hostgator account after making the transfer.
Manage domain names, notification site, the flagging database and more from the CPanel.
5. Files/Websites
A. Files: The notification/flagging website can be accessed from files à file manager.
6. Databases
A. The database for the notification site “crwa_notification” can be accessed through the CPanel. Additional databases may also be created for additional projects as needed. If the website is migrated to another platform, the database will need to be migrated too. There is currently one other database “crwa_jmln1" I don’t know this is something we need, but didn’t want to risk deleting it. It probably does not have to be migrated when the site is migrated.
B. In the Database section in Cpanel select MYSQL Databases to rename database, add users or add new databases.
C. To view, edit or modify data select PHP MyAdmin.
7. Other Cpanel items
A. Passwords can be set in the Preferences section
B. We don’t currently use any of the Mail features because we use Gsuite (Gmail) for mail.
C. FTP (file transfer protocol) can be accessed in the Cpanel in the files section. There are directions on the file server of how to use it if needed “X:\Staff_Office\Support\ftp site”
Mostly we use Google Drive and Dropbox.
D. Cron Jobs are located in the “Advanced Section” These are used for the flagging/notification site. Please see manual saved here X:\Projects\Flagging\Automatic Website

Based on your feedback, it seems like the best approach would be to rebuild the flagging site. We are fine with that and would love your help, if you think it’s within the scope of your project. We are happy to work with you on any suggestions for the best ways to host and transmit the data. And it seems you do understand our priorities - ease of use, ease on management/maintenance, and low cost. We’d be happy to review any proposal you come up with for the future of the flagging model.

CRWA agrees that we (Daniel or Francois) access any data needed to be associated with this project, and can use the credentials in the keys.txt file to do so. Please just let us at CRWA know if (a) you need other credentials and/or (b) if you change any credentials.