
Explore CRWA's Access database

de-la-viz opened this issue · 7 comments

Document the process and the findings in a notebook, so that new members can quickly grasp and understand the data. Unfortunately, there is no data dictionary...

Every (new) member is free to continue the exploration and build on the notebook(s) already produced.

Save notebooks there:

Sub-tasks, explore and plot :

  • Trends in water temperature and precipitation
  • Heat maps of water temperature and precipitation
    Resources: MassGIS , OLIVER

Aim: build knowledge, a prerequisite in order to later connect with CRWA’s Climate Compact group, tackle more complex questions and add climate projections to the data.

you can be inspired by this notebook that is already merging the tables:


  • What's the size of the data?
    - MB?
    - number of rows?
  • Most important columns?
  • Basic overview of data
  • ...