
Skill must prompt the user for input when intents keep the session open

jmartini opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
After the skill completes a task, the session remains open with no prompt to the user. The skill must close the session after fulfilling requests if it does not prompt the user for any input.

To Reproduce
User: "Alexa, open boston info"
Skill: "Welcome to the Boston Info skill. You can ask for help at any time, and I'll let you know what information I can provide. How can I help you?"
User: "are there any alerts"
Skill: "Pickup is delayed in some neighborhoods this week due to the holiday. Please check your schedule. Today is the fifth Wednesday of the month. Please check all posted signs before parking.", and the session remains open

This issue happens with all intents

Expected behavior
Alexa should close the session after finishing a user request as explained in Section 4.1 of the submission checklist.

Additional context
This is required to pass certification

Closed with #256