
Increase Member Engagement thru info

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AS CODE FOR DENVER, I NEED to manage our Meetup sign up members SO THAT we can provide a better experience for members, and increase our velocity.

As CODE for DENVER, I NEED to send a survey to all CODE for DENVER members SO THAT I can obtain their contact information and find out why they want to join code for Denver and what their capabilities are.

As CODE for Denver, I NEED to incrementally update the information that we have from members SO THAT we can contact new members individually and not blast email everyone else.

This means that there is a multi step process:

  1. Initial BLAST email to all members, contact info link (short)
  2. those that respond (with email) will get a longer survey link that ask for skills (long survey)
  3. WEEKLY: 1 person is responsible for updating each week (send emails to new people that have joined meet up, and erase those that have left(I get notifications)
  4. WEEKLY at C4D Monday meeting, new folks are encouraged to fill out their skills

As a Code for Denver member I want potential new members to have a decent introduction SO THAT they don't feel overwhelmed and convert to full members.

This is being taken care of by new introductory pomodoro (stated in Feb 2016) and in new agenda (starting in March 2016) which provide overview of C4D and projects

As Code for Denver I want to offload some administrative information/tasks SO THAT there is more time during meetings and help make the website a more focused resource.

The idea behind this was to try to do some onboarding up front, thru email, but not sure if this can be done? maybe we can do it by adding people to the tools via their email addresses. In a fist of 5 vote on March 14, 201, this had about 10 "no votes" (less than 3).

AS CODE FOR DENVER, I NEED to persist Information from members from Surveys (and other avenues) SO THAT CODE FOR DENVER can use the information.

This will be taken care of by the Skills survey and spreadsheet and process described above.

STRETCH: As a Code for Denver member I want a way to stay engaged and contribute asynchronously SO THAT I can volunteer my time even if it doesn't match with the meetup times.

This maybe accomplished if we survey with questions about when they are available, if not Monday and what projects that might like. This might be useful for Project managers/scrum masters.

STRETCH: As a Code for Denver member I want the meetings to be available on Skype/Google Hangouts so I can attend and participate remotely.

In a fist of 5 vote on March 14, 2016 this got 4 "no votes" less than 3

STRETCH: As CODE for DENVER, I NEED better notes and waffle board items for CODE for Denver members, SO THAT members that want to work asynchronously (not on Mondays), can do so.

This needs to be done as part of a concerted effort for writing cards out differently/better. This is probably necessary at he scrum master stage

STRETCH: As Code for Denver I want to provide a shared development environment so members can contribute to projects more easily with lower barriers to entry.

This is accomplished somewhat by Github, but not sure what Brett was thinking about this.

STRETCH: AS CODE for Denver, I NEED to appoint a small committee of people (Member engagement) to follow up with people that we contact, SO THAT CODE FOR DENEVR is seen as a good organization to be a member of.

Brian is thinking as of March 14, 2016, that one person can do htis with minimal effort (2 hours )per week.

Brian put together diagram of data flow by next week

Brett put together a diagram of arch. components by next week.

As Code for Denver I want email lists in Mailchimp so I can properly engage members who are at different commitment levels (like lanes in Waffle).

  • The following has to be documented (briefly) in Code for Denver Google docs or on Waffle board card(s). The documentation can be slides, photos of white boards, documents, and/or one line answers to the criteria below, etc. Answers of Not Applicable (N/A) are acceptable. Shorter documentation is better than longer documentation.
  • Are all questions and answers from previous phase posted on Code for Denver repository (s)?
  • Who is the Champion/Product Owner?
  • Who is the Tech lead?
  • Who is the Scrum Master?
  • Has a waffle board been constructed?
  • Who is the Partner?
  • What is the Schedule/Timeline?
  • Passes "fist of 5 vote" at Code for Denver