
National Day of Civic Hacking

Opened this issue · 0 comments

State the Problem Opportunity

National Day of Civic Hacking is a great way to connect with the local community. It is an opportunity to recruit new members, and reach out to potential partners.

State the Problem

We are focusing on the issue of the Denver housing Crisis at NDoCH Denver this year.

"Denver's population is growing much faster than our supply of housing, and this gap is growing every year. With demand growing so much faster than supply, prices have risen dramatically. ... half of all renter households, and a third of all households here, struggle with [affordable housing]"
-- Denver Office of Economic Development


Code for Denver was already planning on hosting an event for National Day of Civic Hacking, and focusing it on the housing crisis allows us a great opportunity to focus on addressing this issue, and potentially setting us up for some future projects.

Potential Partner(s)?

- CA Technologies

Additional Background Context


Champion: [To be filled out during exploration stage]
Repo: [To be filled out during exploration stage]
Waffle Board:

Stage Checklists

Complete checklists for each stage in process before moving forward

Idea Phase (pre-pitch)

  • Have an idea/problem
  • Complete initial validation checklist:
    • Focused on helping the community
    • We work "with" not "for"
    • Projects that are reusable
    • Not illegal
    • Not promoting a particular political party or religious group
    • Not antagonistic to government
    • Not "free work"
  • Fill out top of this card with problem statement, why, etc.
  • Coordinate with CfD member to get pitch on agenda for pitch night (first Monday of the month)

Presentation Phase/Night

  • Move card to Pitches/Presentation list in waffle if you are presenting tonight
  • Present to group (3 min limit)
  • Group Q&A (3 min - if there is additional questions that can happen in the follow up pomodoro)
  • Initial vote on whether ready for Exploration Phase.
    • Cards that are voted ready should get "Pitched - Accepted" label
    • One pomodoro for further discussion around any cards that were not determined quite ready for Exploration. Presenter should be ready to discuss, answer any questions, and revise pitch.
    • Quick update after pomodoro from presenters
  • Group determines next step in final vote:
    • a) Idea needs more development (card is moved back to Ideas list with label “Needs development”
    • b) Idea is accepted but group doesn’t have resources to take on right now (card stays in pitch column with label “Pitched - Accepted”)
    • c) Idea is accepted and group has the capacity to take on (ie, the team is under the WIP limit for taking on projects)
  • If outcome c) is determined:
    • a) Identify project champion
    • b) Create project waffle board from Project Bootstrapper
  • If the above steps cannot be completed, then the project outcome should actually be B above, and project card stays in Pitches list with label “Pitched - Accepted”


This phase assumes you have a project champion and project waffle board

Active Development