
Review Code for America projects from other brigades

Opened this issue · 2 comments

NOTE: View the guidelines for projects here

What is the idea

Review other projects from CfA brigades that have had significant impact to see if we could apply them in Denver.


No need to reinvent the wheel!!

Potential Partner(s)?

[Is there a known organization that would be willing to partner on this?]

Additional Background Context

[Is there additional context for the project
Possible deadline?]


Champion: [To be filled out during exploration stage]
Repo: [To be filled out during exploration stage]
Waffle Board: [To be filled out during exploration stage]

Hi Karen, I'm new to Code for Denver(1st meetup last night) and would like to work on this project. Can I start collecting/building preliminary information(list of brigades, their projects, for starters) from home? Thanks. Tom Bayer