
Opened this issue · 9 comments

This tool would allow code for denver members to have unique contribution profiles.
cc @chompasina @rossha

  • As as user I would like a way specify skill sets (possessed and desired).
  • Also I would like to track my volunteer time @ code for denver
  • Also I would like to be able to search (think about maybe having a special GH group for this).
  • Also maybe a bio and/or a what brings you to CFD blurb


Champion: @wdoug
Waffle Board:

Estimated timeline: 3 months.
Existing solutions: sparktime.

Why is it worth solving ?

it would allow CFD members to find info about other members and more effectively connect, it would allow a members to have a public facing profile that could be used for donations for CFD. Think about having a donate button on the profile page.


Why is a good fit ?

It would strengthen the CFD community by giving members recognition for their contributions to open source and their community.


Our community partner would be @codefordenver/org-team

from @rossha:

project can be applicable to the broader code for denver mission by offering non-profits / orgs a means for maintaining an alumni / volunteer network

Also in the your profile page you could list the projects you're working on, the skills you're using.

  • Time tracking: volunteers can sign in/sign out for time tracking purposes
  • Hrs worked will be shown on a user's profile page to motivate donations

Attendance tracking, how many per meeting & which meetings per person.

I developed a few options for the Profile area of the Members Page. Check it out.

Bluetooth . NFC sign in / out