
Organizations and Map Layers - REST API Documentation

allella opened this issue · 3 comments


Organizations API Documentation
Map Layers API Documentation


Here's a start to documentation for interacting with the Map Layers and Organizations APIs.

You'll want a tool that makes it easy to send HTTP requests to the rest API. For instance, Guzzle is a handy tool for PHP developers.

Some of the examples below are written for a test tool like Postman if you're running tests.

Need more background on REST testing / debugging tools?

Maps API

List of All Map Layers (Robot View)

To view all organizations - https://data.openupstate.org/rest/maps?_format=json

Method: GET
Expected Response: 200 OK
Authorization: None Required
Headers - Drupal 8 REST does NOT support the Accept: header, so you MUST use the &_format= mentioned above. The reason for not supporting Accept: headers is documented.

Query String

  • _format= (json, hal_json, xml)
  • there are currently no additional filtering query string parameters for the map layers

List of All Map Layers (Human/ Web Browser View)

To view all map layers - https://data.openupstate.org/map-layers

Method: GET
Expected Response: 200 OK
Authorization: None Required

Organizations API

Viewing, creating, and updating organizations.

List of All Organizations (Human/ Web Browser View)


Method: GET
Expected Response: 200 OK
Authorization: None Required

REST API List of All Organizations (Robot View)

If you get an Access Denied (error 403) on while you're already logged into Drupal as another user then try to open the URL in an Incognito tab.


Method: GET
Expected Response: 200 OK
Authorization: None Required
Headers - Drupal 8 REST does NOT support the Accept: header, so you MUST use the &_format= mentioned above. The reason for not supporting Accept: headers is documented.

Query String


If you get an HTML response that says "A client error happened" then you need to include/fix the _format= parameter.

Example of Viewing an Organization

URL: https://data.openupstate.org/node/7?_format=json OR the alias https://data.openupstate.org/organization/code-for-greenville?_format=json
Expected Response: 200 OK
Authorization: None Required

Set an accepted / desired content format

  • append &_format=json to the URL query string
  • append &_format=hal_json to the URL query string
  • append &_format=xml to the URL query string

Headers - Drupal 8 REST does NOT support the Accept: header, so you MUST use the &_format= mentioned above. The reason for not supporting Accept: headers is documented.

Example of Creating a New Organization

Method: POST
URL: https://data.openupstate.org/entity/node
Authorization: Requires Basic Auth and a user / password hash
Expected Response: 200 OK (serialized JSON of the full object) (no longer returns 201 Created)
Headers to Send

  • Content-Type: application/hal+json
  • X-CSRF-Token: (visit /rest/session/token to get a token and use that string here)

Drupal POST Documentation

Notes: The _links->type->href value is required with hal+json, as it defines the entity. Do a GET on any organization node beforehand to verify/check the fields. Drupal will automatically set core fields like like created, updated, promoted, status, so it's really only necessary to set the title and custom fields (field_xyz)
Predefined Field Values
If a value is sent for one of the following fields, it must be one of the following or the POST will fail.

  • field_event_service: eventbrite, facebook, meetup, none, nvite
  • field_org_status: active, inactive, on-hiatus, planned

Example Body

  "_links": {
    "type": { "href": "https://data.openupstate.org/rest/type/node/organization" }
 "title": [ { "value": "Upstate AI Robot", "lang": "en" } ],
 "field_city": [ { "value": "spartanburg" } ],
 "field_event_service": [ { "value": "eventbrite" } ],
 "field_events_api_key": [ { "value": "123456789" } ],
 "field_focus_area": [ { "value": "Robots with Lasers" } ],
 "field_homepage": [ { "uri": "http://example.com/johnny-5" } ],
 "field_org_status": [ { "value": "active" } ],
 "field_primary_contact_email": [ { "value": "johnnyfive@example.com" } ],
 "field_primary_contact_person": [ { "value": "Johnny Five" } ]

Example of Updating an Organization

Method: PATCH (Drupal purposely does not support PUT)
URL: https://data.openupstate.org/node/4
Expected Response: 200 OK (serialized JSON of the full object)
Authorization: Requires Basic Auth and a user / password hash
Headers to Send

  • Content-Type: application/hal+json
  • X-CSRF-Token: (visit /rest/session/token to get a token and use that string here)

Drupal Patch Documentation

Notes: The _links->type->href value is required with hal+json, as it defines the entity. It is possible to update many fields at once by including multiple values in the body. This example updates only one field, field_primary_contact_person.

Predefined Field Values
If a value is sent for one of the following fields, it must be one of the following or the PATCH will fail.

  • field_event_service: eventbrite, facebook, meetup, none, nvite
  • field_org_status: active, inactive, on-hiatus, planned

Example Body

    "_links": {
        "type": {
            "href": "https://data.openupstate.org/rest/type/node/organization"
    "field_primary_contact_person": [
            "value": "Johnny Five"

Example of Updating a Map

    "_links": {
        "type": {
            "href": "https://data.openupstate.org/rest/type/node/map"
    "field_contribute_link": [
            "uri": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IQol1Gy8gRbQ0wT5YsO9IF_GazVcfbTx828zT9SvGwI/edit#gid=0",
            "title": "",
            "options": []
    "field_geojson_link": [
            "uri": "internal:/maps/bike-racks/geojson.php",
            "title": "",
            "options": []
    "field_raw_data_link": [
            "uri": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IQol1Gy8gRbQ0wT5YsO9IF_GazVcfbTx828zT9SvGwI/pub?output=csv",
            "title": "",
            "options": []

@Nunie123 I've added tag field filter to the above, example:

@allella I've added tags as a filter to the events api. See my comment at Issue #12 .