
Proposed Changes to Hack Night Run of Show

Opened this issue · 6 comments

  • During unstructured welcome time I propose the following

    • Project Leads discuss their "pitch" with @erinmagennis and @BarkleyBG
      • They will be asked to prepare:
        • Overall project Description
        • Progress
        • Needs
        • Opportunities for someone to learn something new by taking on X
    • @anthonyjesmok and @Aycrazy lead the rest of the group in "guided" networking
      • Entails: matching new person with returning person/people.
        • All will introduce themselves, including explaining why they chose their start sticker
        • New person will say why they came/ what their goal is/are
        • Returning person explains how they've been involved thusfar and their goals
  • During "pitch time" - project leads (owner or manager) will run through the now-vetted updates

What We Agreed To At Our Last Core Team Meeting:

  1. Core Team to introduce themselves to new people and check in with project leads during networking and meal time surrounding the questions above.
  2. @BarkleyBG and @anthonyjesmok to work on an ice breaker at the beginning of the session after meal time. @anthonyjesmok will be bringing in a beach ball covered in questions that will be thrown around, the person catching it will be asked to read the question closest to a finger.
  3. @anthonyjesmok to have more of a rapport with the project leads during project lead updates time, asking questions 1:1 instead of putting them up on a board.
  4. @anthonyjesmok to ask new members to introduce themselves and encourage positive reactions from other attendees (clapping. snapping, etc.)

For clarity, @anthonyjesmok when you say 1:1 you still mean in the open format we generally use, right? This outline looks great! @anthonyjesmok and I also have had a nice correspondence with Dr. Katie Pritchard and she provided actionable suggestions for how to survey our audience.

@BarkleyBG and @anthonyjesmok perhaps this would be a good time to push the orientation as an additional thing they can look through and maybe it can be mentioned that it will be reviewed as part of the breakout group that will be going through the focus group-like activity Anthony will be leading

I also propose that @anthonyjesmok and @BarkleyBG stick with the new ppl prior to welcome, and @Aycrazy @erinmagennis and @mitchellhenke work with the project leaders to prep their updated (to be conducted by @anthonyjesmok via the 1 by 1 questions in front of the whole group)

@erinmagennis and @Aycrazy will be responsible for creating and printing out quick question are for project leads

For clarity, @anthonyjesmok when you say 1:1 you still mean in the open format we generally use, right? This outline looks great! @anthonyjesmok and I also have had a nice correspondence with Dr. Katie Pritchard and she provided actionable suggestions for how to survey our audience.

Yes, a "talk show" 1:1 format.