
Adjust "Our Sponsors" list to display as shown

katrinasperry opened this issue · 2 comments

Create PR that merges to sponsor_list-redesign branch


NOTE: all sponsor logos are already on the current site - keep them as is!

The sponsors html can be found in: sections/sponsors.html
The mardown files that contain all the sponsor info can be found in the md files located in _sponsors <- Probably don't need to modify those files, but good to know where it is.

I can probably take this one on. A few questions as this is the first time I've worked with Jekyll and on a GitHub branch:

  • In the sponsor_list-redesign branch there is no sections folder with the sponsors.html file. Should I create that file in that branch? Or should I modify the appropriate section in the home.html of that branch?
  • It seems I can modify with the current classes in main.scss or I could create a new class. Is there a preference?
  • Do I need to worry about the header font or is that covered in another issue already?
  • To have the logos sized as the photo above and keep consistent css styling the logo files will need to be cropped, should I do that? Or should I have a class for each logo to tweak it's sizing to match above.
  • Attached is what I did already by modifying the grid-container class.


Sweet, thanks Curtis! I'm tagging @NickSchimek (who built the current site) to answer your questions. :)