
no example of tolerations json format (and it does not work whatever I try)

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Hi I tried to install codefresh with tolerations but it gives me this error:
Error: can not parse tolerations: invalid character 'c' looking for beginning of value

Tried to run this command
codefresh runner init --kube-namespace codefresh --tolerations config/kubernetes/dependencies/codefresh/tolerations.json --kube-node-selector ""

and I tried these 2 configurations in my tolerations json file:

        "key": "preemptible",
        "value": "true",
        "effect": "NoSchedule"


    "tolerations": [
          "key": "preemptible",
          "value": "true",
          "effect": "NoSchedule"

However I have never written tolerations as json before so I could be completely wrong here... (Yaml would be way more easy as everyone writes manifests in yaml instead of json)

What is the correct syntax for this?

Thank you very much in advance!

Running into a gap in the docs here too.
I want to install a runner with tolerations but not clear how this all get put together. And please support yaml inputs!
The cli states The Kubernetes tolerations as path to a JSON file prefixed with @ to be used by runner resources (default is no tolerations) (string) so I image it's codefresh runner init --tolerations path-to-file/@tolerations.json