1.8 update new issue
MasterLuke117 opened this issue · 7 comments
MasterLuke117 commented
New issue with todays 1.8 update, the server crashes during start with:
BDSM Version: v0.1.0-3-g5f438be
ModLoader Loading...
Loading mod: libsupport
NO LOG FILE! - Symbol not found: _ZN9Minecraft4initEb
NO LOG FILE! - Hook failed: DecodeFailed
Loading mod: libbridge
Loading mod: libanti_cheats
Loading mod: libdisable_encryption
Loading mod: libedu
Loading mod: libscript
Loading mod: script_base
Loading mod: script_chat
Loading mod: script_command
Failed to load script_command: mods/script_command.so: undefined symbol: _ZN15CommandRegistry11addSoftEnumERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt6vectorIS5_SaIS5_EE
Loading mod: script_config
Loading mod: script_dbus
Loading mod: script_fake
Loading mod: script_form
Loading mod: script_nbt
Loading mod: script_policy
Loading mod: script_server_exec
Loading mod: script_tick
Loading mod: script_transfer
Loading mod: script_world
Failed to load script_world: mods/script_world.so: undefined symbol: _ZN12CommandUtils13spawnEntityAtER11BlockSourceRK4Vec39ActorTypeR13ActorUniqueIDP5Actor
D [run] Starting Server
D [run] setting up server logging...
D [run] Version modded v0.3.2-2-g359e395
D [run] Level Name: Bedrock level
D [run] Game mode: 0 Survival
D [run] Difficulty: 2 NORMAL
D [LogIPSupport] IPv4 supported, port: 19137
D [LogIPSupport] IPv6 supported, port: 19138
D [CMD] clear commands.clear.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] deop commands.deop.description 2 20 0
D [CMD] clone commands.clone.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] daylock commands.daylock.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] difficulty commands.difficulty.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] effect commands.effect.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] enchant commands.enchant.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] gamerule commands.gamerule.description 1 20 0
D [CMD] execute commands.execute.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] fill commands.fill.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] function commands.function.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] gamemode commands.gamemode.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] help commands.help.description 0 4 20
D [CMD] gettopsolidblock commands.gettopsolidblock.description 0 2 0
D [CMD] give commands.give.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] list commands.list.description 0 20 0
D [CMD] kill commands.kill.description.edu 1 0 0
D [CMD] listd commands.listd.description 3 2 0
D [CMD] locate commands.locate.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] reload commands.reload.description 2 0 0
D [CMD] me commands.me.description 0 10 20
D [CMD] op commands.op.description 2 20 0
D [CMD] playsound commands.playsound.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] querytarget commands.querytarget.description 0 2 0
D [CMD] scoreboard commands.scoreboard.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] replaceitem commands.replaceitem.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] say commands.say.description 1 10 20
D [CMD] particle commands.spawnParticleEmitter.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] setmaxplayers commands.setmaxplayers.description 3 0 0
D [CMD] setblock commands.setblock.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] spawnpoint commands.spawnpoint.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] setworldspawn commands.setworldspawn.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] spreadplayers commands.spreadplayers.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] teleport commands.tp.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] stopsound commands.stopsound.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] summon commands.summon.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] tell commands.tell.description 0 10 20
D [CMD] testforblock commands.testforblock.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] testforblocks commands.testforblocks.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] testfor commands.testfor.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] tickingarea commands.tickingarea.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] time commands.time.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] title commands.title.description 1 10 0
D [CMD] toggledownfall commands.toggledownfall.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] weather commands.weather.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] wsserver commands.wsserver.description 2 8 0
D [CMD] xp commands.xp.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] ability commands.ability.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] immutableworld commands.immutableworld.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] worldbuilder commands.worldbuilder.description 1 0 0
D [CMD] agent commands.agent.description 1 2 0
D [CMD] kick commands.kick.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] save commands.save.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] stop commands.stop.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] whitelist commands.whitelist.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] ops commands.permissions.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] permissions commands.permissions.description 4 0 0
D [CMD] geteduserverinfo commands.geteduserverinfo.description 0 2 0
D [CMD] changesetting commands.changesetting.description 4 0 0
D [reg] minecraft
D [reg] minecraft base
D [reg] minecraft chat
D [reg] minecraft config
D [reg] minecraft dbus
D [reg] minecraft fake
D [reg] minecraft form
D [reg] minecraft nbt
D [reg] minecraft policy
D [reg] minecraft server-exec
D [reg] minecraft tick
D [reg] minecraft transfer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
codehz commented
I will fix it soon
MasterLuke117 commented
I appreciate all your hard work!
codehz commented
you need to par it with ```
MasterLuke117 commented
something interesting about the whole......
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
thing is, a few weeks ago a player found a way to crash the server with some kind of proxy glitch and that same above message would appear at crash
keke1229488344 commented
I have the same problem.Have you solved it, please?
codehz commented
@keke1229488344 I just decide to maintain the https://github.com/codehz/StoneServer/ ... because the modify BDS is buggy...
keke1229488344 commented
Well,Has this problem been solved?
If it can't be fixed, what can I do to use the StoneServer?