
A little program to cool automatically your Raspberry Pi with the temperature of your CPU. Works with Python.

Primary LanguagePython


######A small program to automatically cool your Raspberry Pi according to the temperature of its CPU. Warranty 100% Python.

##What you requiert to build that

  • Raspberry Pi (used Raspbian)
  • A little fan (omg no?)
  • 2 jumpercables females
  • 8 jumpercables males
  • 1 transistor (a KN2222A is used here)
  • 1 resistance (1KOHM)
  • A Breadboard

##Requiert to build that if you don't have all of the components ~

  • Raspberry Pi (used Raspbian)
  • A little fan (too expensive D:)
  • 2 jumpercables females

That's all ? Oh.

##What's the difference between both ? The voltage of a GPIO is approximately equal to 3.3v, it is a bit too low to cool normally. So, I advise to use the +5v to have a great cooling, but you can choos what you prefer, both work with the same program. (IT'S MAGIC °3°)

##Assembling The less easy part. Hehe, he. No.
####Part 1 : With all requierement Connect a cable to the +5v, GND and to the GPIO18 of your Raspberry Pi. We are going to use a transistor as a switch to use the +5v as Vcc and to use the GPIO18 as an interrupter.

####Part 2 : With the minimal components (not recommended) Connect the + cable to the GPIO18, and the - to the GND pin.

##Software requierement You need to have Python to execute the program and Psutil to get informations about your CPU. So here we go ~

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python python-psutil

##Setup You can copy your program using a FTP client or using git-core using SSH. If you use SSH, check the version of the packages with 'git --version'. Now, we are going to clone the git in your Raspberry and try it.

git --version
// if git-core is not installed
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo mkdir python
cd /python
sudo git clone git://github.com/P147x/FanPI FanPI
cd FanPi

Now, you can try, just do

sudo python fanpi.py 

It works ! Stop it with CTRL+C

To start this program in background automatically (you should do it. Really), type crontab -e and add on last line @reboot sudo python /home/pi/python/FanPi/fanpi.py. CTRL+X and O to save.

##Configuration ####Calibrate You can calibrate your program with your fan, to make some tests and adapt it for your utilisation.

sudo nano /home/pi/python/FanPi/calibrate.py

Modify the line 30 and 31 (starting temp and stop), and type sudo python /home/pi/python/FanPi/calibrate.py and make your own tests !

####Configure the main file o/ ! If you want to configure the temperature of cooling, you just have to change two lines in /home/pi/fanpi.py, line 28 and 31.

line 28 : if get_cpu_temperature() > 38.0:
line 31 : while get_cpu_temperature() > 32.0:

Keep at least a difference of ~10°C between the two temperatures, the first value design the temperature of starting the fan, and the second design the temperature of stop.

##Start it ! Let it be independant with a reboot (sudo reboot) and it's all !
ENJOY IT /o/ !

##Update notes ####V1.1 - Patch some bugs - Found better temperatures (max-min) - New file : `calibration.py` ! - More bananas

Licence Creative Commons
FanPi de P147x est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.