
Keep an eye on your oncoming parcels !

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A simple and cross-plateform delivery tracker, working with the delivery services listed below.

Super excited about getting a new package, but you can't stop thinking about ? You're looking for a simple tool to yell at you when your delivery guy is moving ? I think this might be a good solution for you.

travis goreportcards


Did i told you this program is cross-plateform compatible ? Get to the installation guide who matches with your system

Linux / BSD

First things first. Assuming you already have Git, Golang and Make installed, you will need to get the necessary files.

git clone https://github.com/P147x/delivery-cli
cd delivery-cli

Once you have the files, you can use the make command to get the dependencies, testing (soon) and build the binary.


Actually, that's all. :)


For this part, i'm assuming you are using Gitbash and you have Golang installed on your computer. In a first part, open a new terminal and use the following commands :

git clone https://github.com/P147x/delivery-cli
cd delivery-cli

Once you got the needed files, you will have to export your GOPATH and get manually the necessary dependancies (Makefile is not working on Windows.. sorry !)

export GOPATH=`pwd`
go get github.com/0xAX/notificator
go get github.com/getlantern/systray
go get github.com/gocolly/colly

Cross your fingers, you're almost done. It's compilation time !

go build delivery

Tadaa, You have got a beautiful .exe file !

Configuration file

This program does not allow yet to manage delivery services neither with GUI nor CLI, but actually works with a configuration file in JSON format. Create a folder ./configin the root of the project and create a configuration file named services.json inside. Your file must indented like the following exemple :

    "services": [
            "delivery": "yanwen", //Delivery service name
            "trackingID": "yourtrackingID" // Your tracking ID on string format

Supported delivery services

  • Yanwen

Built with

  • Systray - Cross-plateform Systray
  • Notificator - Cross plateform desktop notifications with Go
  • Colly - Scrapping framework


We use the Sermver for versionning this project.