
This idea focuses on building local small scale network for groups stranded in natural calamities.

Green Net

This idea focuses on building local small scale network for groups stranded in natural calamities.

Team Introduction

The team Debug Thugs comprises three 2nd year undergraduates. Namely :


A natural disaster is followed by severe situations which inevitably take network connectivity off the affected area. Due to network disruption it becomes impossible to contact rescue or our family members. Specially, if you are stuck in some secluded area rescue can take time to reach you.

During this gap the stranded group is bound to survive harsh climatic situations and in most situations move to nearby rescue camps or habituated areas.

Our idea focuses on assisting such groups during this period by helping them locally communicate which in turn will help them use the supplies wisely and stay safe.


We propose to build a peer-to-peer local network of mobiles, even without internet, where each node will act as a server and host both, and thus we can connect a line of users without an intermediary network services.

Let's take an example:

Say, we have 4 users A, B, C and D where D is not in Wi-Fi range of A but B, C are. Now, we propose to connect D to A via B or C, i.e. the possible network lines could be A--B--C--D or A--C--B--D.

This network will provide basic, urgent and most required facilities.

Proposed Facilities

Much larger number of users in comparison to current scenario of Wi-Fi connectivity will be each connected to each other and through a larger area. Though the connection won’t be much speedy but will undoubtedly provide basic facilities required by group stranded in a calamity.

  • Users can share important information like local maps and food supplies information which is hard to communicate in extreme situations with such a large group. Also the group will be able to make plans and set reminders for each other in the group. Eg. If any medical situation arises with a group member, every other member can be alerted immediately and help can be provided much easily.
  • All users will be connected to each other and thus by sharing GPS location of all users we can keep a the map updated tracking each member of group.Also, whenever a user disconnects (for say while they are trekking through rough terrains) everyone else will be alerted.