
Setup needed to run tests?

michaek opened this issue · 6 comments

I've cloned the simple-navigation repository, checked out master, and run bundle install and bundle exec rake spec. Then I get an error that we can't require 'html/document' in spec_helper.rb. Is it possible there's a dependency that's not included in the gemspec?

andi commented

html/document should be part of actionpack, which is declared as dependency:

spec.add_development_dependency 'actionpack', '>= 2.3.2'

Which version of actionpack is in your bundle?

While migrating to RSpec 3 I stumbled upon the same error. I'll fix it in the process ;) (coming soon)

Fixed on my branch, will push it soon.
For the record: HTML::Document does't seem to exist in Rails 4.1. Actually it's still present in ActionView but with a :nodoc: comment and in another place. To avoid this in the future, I used require 'action_view'.

It's pushed. Reopen the issue if the problem persists ;)

Thanks - that's resolved it!

Awesome! Thanks for your feedback :)