
Some packages not included (e.g. ramda)

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I can't seem to understand why some packages are not included in the generated json.

In a specific case, I am using ramda, which I have as prod dependency, and to actually include it I had to specify it in the configuration:
includePackages: () => ["node_modules/ramda"]

Actually, by adding all my prod dependencies into the includePackages property (automatically read from my package.json) I can see that I am missing on 10 licenses.

Why is that? What's the criteria for excluding those licenses?

Hey Alessio!

Can you provide me with a reproducing example?


For the reproduction, I created a new Next.js project, and just added Ramda dependency:

Just execute npm install and npm run build, then you will find the licenses output in .next/oss-licenses.json.
In next.config.ts you can see the webpack configuration where the LicensePlugin is added. I also included my workaround with the includePackages (commented out).

With the default configuration I get this output (5 licenses):

With my workaround I get this (6 licenses, incl. Ramda):

If you need it, I can also update it with all the dependencies I am using in my other project, as ther are more missing there.

Thanks for checking this out!

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Next.js is pretty complex to setup, because it offers a mixture of static site generation, server side rendering and client-side hydration. Which package licenses are you interested in? Those running on the server, or those being sent into your users browsers?