
Follow symlink

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The extenuation really good and fast my only issue is when using the search and selecting symlink folder no results are returned.

just as an explanation the symlink is to git repo odoo that is not part of the code i am writing but i need search regularly

jayu commented

Hello, thanks for the report!

I need some more information about this issue.

  • What is you operating system
  • Do you symlink directory of file
  • Where the symlink is in the directory structure of the project that you have opened in VSCode ? Is it in a path that is not ignored by .gitignore ?

Hi @jayu
sorry for not following up with the issue
I am using mac os 14.0,
Folder structure

  all project Folder
  |___ odoo 
  |         |___ odoo 16
  |____Project folder
              |___ symlink of odoo 16

so the folder odoo 16 is outside the Project folder opened by vscode
odoo 16 symlink is in the .gitignore because if just for search

jayu commented

Thanks @nrome-n.

I didn't checked if symlinks work, but if your symlink is in git ignore, it won't be tracked anyway, unless you allow for search in ignored files.

Please enable searching in ignored files and let me know if that works.

Also did you consider using vscode workspaces?

You can basically open two separate folders in one vscode window. This way you can workaround using symlinks :D

Hi @jayu
i tried search in folder and enable searching in ignored files but no results. i only user duplicate workspaces to open the same project on my seconds.

The reason i am using symlinks. Is that i have multiple symlinks in a folder and add this folder to my project template.
so i can update all them at the sometime git pull.
Not sure if workspaces will work but i will try it

Thank u of the great plugin

 all project Folder
  |___ odoo 
  |         |___ odoo 16 com [git]
  |         |          |___ addons
  |         |          |        |____ base [symlinked]
  |         |          |___  odoo
  |         |                   |___ addons [symlinked]
  |         |___ odoo Ent [git][symlinked]
  |____Project folder
              |___ odoo Folder
                          |___ base [symlinked To]
                          |___ addons [symlinked To]
                          |___ odoo Ent [symlinked To]

jayu commented

Hi @nrome-n, CodeQue should now follow symlinks from version 0.25.1

Please let me know if that fix worked for you 🤞

Hi @jayu, works amazingly thank you 🤩, i tried it with searching in ignored files because of .gitignore.

jayu commented

I'm glad it works! Happy searching 😸