
A swc plugin that automatically converts React component libraries into "React Client Component". For example, you can automatically convert components from @mui into "React Client Component" without having to wrap a component that uses "use client".

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A swc plugin that automatically converts React component libraries into "React Client Component". For example, you can automatically convert components from @mui into "React Client Component" without having to wrap a component that uses "use client".



npm install -D use-client


yarn add -D use-client


pnpm i -D use-client


Property Type Description
include (string | IncludeConfig)[] | Array of paths to be transformed


Property Type Description
path string | Path to match
insert string Custom content to insert at the beginning of the file, default value: "use client"


next.js configuration:

const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [
          include: ["@mui/material", "@mui/icons-material""antd", "@ant-design/icons"],

swc configuration:

  "$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/swcrc",
  "jsc": {
    "experimental": {
      "plugins": [
        ["use-client", {
          "include": ["@mui/material", "@mui/icons-material""antd", "@ant-design/icons"]

Custom Insert Content:

const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [
          include: ["path/to", {
            path: "path/to",
            insert: "use strict"


  • The swc plugin interrupts tree shaking

At present, this is an expected behavior, The Next.js team will improve it in the future。You can temporarily solve this problem by configuring modularizeImports:

const nextConfig = {
  modularizeImports: {
    "@mui/material": {
      transform: "@mui/material/{{member}}"
  experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [
          include: ["@mui/material"],

Note that some functions do not follow the '@ mui/material/{{member}}' rule, such as createTheme and ThemeProvider, which need to be processed separately as' import {createTheme, ThemeProvider} from '@ mui/material/styles'`

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