Proposed changes to the narrative
davidsalgado opened this issue · 3 comments
- Reorder sections -> Install > Sample > Why > Features
- Change the Why section so it talks about where does slog shine vs where does Uber library fall short
from: We wanted tighter integration with stdlib's testing package
to: Tight integration with stdlib's testing package
- Consider merge the Why and Features section into one.
- Users section, consider rephrasing
If your company or project is using slog, feel free to open an issue or PR to amend this list.
Let others know you're using slog, open an issue or PR to amend this list
Hope this helps
Reorder sections -> Install > Sample > Why > Features
Why shouldn't features be first?
Change the Why section so it talks about where does slog shine vs where does Uber library fall short
Agreed 100%.
Consider merge the Why and Features section into one.
Would prefer against this as Why is verbose and not everyone wants to read it.
Users section, consider rephrasing
hey, apologies for my lack of response but I don't have the notifications. I have the personal preference of starting with the WHY, and I thought that the features could be contained there. Anyway, it was just a personal preference comment