
I Get A Garbled results

uyaddayu opened this issue · 3 comments

2019-12-13 02:02:43.229 ?[34m[INFO]?[0m ?[36macc.go:19?[0m my message here {?[34m"field_name"?[0m: ?[32m"something or the other"?[0m, ?[34m"some_map"?[0m: {?[34m"nested_fields"?[0m: ?[32m"wowow"?[0m}} ...
?[34m"error"?[0m: wrap1:
- wrap2:

There is not enough information here to debug.

What OS are you on? What terminal? It looks like the TTY escape codes are not being interpreted by your terminal.

Yea just seems like your terminal isn't interpreting the color escape codes correctly.

That brings the question though, do we have a way to force disable color output like we do the ability to force enable?

That brings the question though, do we have a way to force disable color output like we do the ability to force enable?

Redirecting to a file or cat should just work.