
OAuth flow is going through HTTP along the way

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jfly commented

From Chrome dev tools when logging in:


  1. The /authorize is the OAuth route on the WCA website. The redirect_uri parameter looks like this: Note the http, not https.
  2. The first /login? is a HTTP url on
  3. The second /login? is a HTTPS url on

Fixing 1) should be some reconfiguration of HAPI's auth flow: I don't know where the redirect uri is configured. However, fixing that won't be enough, you'll also need to configure the WCA website to allow redirects to the HTTPS url, right now I see over on that only is listed as a redirect uri, not

jfly commented

I don't know where the redirect uri is configured.

Ok, after digging into HAPI internals, here's what I've found:

  • The redirect_uri is generated here (I'm pretty sure we're using the v2 version of the library, don't be confused by all the v1 stuff in this file).
  • protocol on the line above comes from this call to internals.getProtocol.
  • internals.getProtocol is defined here. Are you running HAPI behind nginx or something? (I suspect that settings.location is actually a http url). One solution would be to set settings.forceHttps to true.

Another solution might be to set settings.location to something, which would short-circuit the internals.location method here (called from here).

jfly commented

Bump! Was just looking at all the WCA OAuth applications and was reminded of this.