
Upload stuck for zero byte files

kucerajo opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  • Version (cloudcmd -v): 15.9.9
  • Node Version node -v: xxx
  • OS (uname -a on Linux): xxx
  • Browser name/version: Chrome 97.0.4692.36
  • Used Command Line Parameters: xxx
  • Changed Config: xxx

The upload is stuck when zero byte file is uploaded.
In the end, the file is created in the Cloud commander but the uploaded must be manually aborted...
Please see attached screenshots.
Thank you!



Could you please tell me why do you need to upload zero byte files?

Fixed with ed14250, landed in v15.9.11 ๐ŸŽ‰ . Is it works for you?

Could you please tell me why do you need to upload zero byte files?

:) I know that it could look a little bit weird but there still exist many reasons to do it. For example we use this tool beside our application in K8S to simulate filesystem in DEV and TEST environments to easily access it via web browser. In our case, we simulate FTP upload to our application (like in PROD) and the successful and final upload is confirmed via creation of zero-byte file with the same name and added extension .cnf.

Fixed with ed14250, landed in v15.9.11 ๐ŸŽ‰ . Is it works for you?

Thank you very much this fast fix! We will test it and let you know :)