
Cannot find module 'fs/promises'

Ghost---Shadow opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried googling it it seems that this package is not available in some version of node 12. However I am using node 13.

What is the recommended version of nodejs where this works?

➜  word-highlighter git:(master) ✗ npx minify ./build/build.js > ./build/build.min.js
Cannot find module 'fs/promises'
Require stack:
- /mnt/c/Users/windows/Desktop/word-highlighter/node_modules/minify/lib/minify.js
- /mnt/c/Users/windows/Desktop/word-highlighter/node_modules/minify/bin/minify.js
➜  word-highlighter git:(master) ✗ which node

Node.js < v14 is not supported since minify v7.0.0