
How to move Navbar Menu to right side of screen?

nyi2lin opened this issue · 3 comments


Can anyone help me with moving Navbar Menu to right side of screen?


Best regards
Nyi Nyi Lin

You could duplicate the snippets/navbar.html template to mysite/templates/coderedcms/snippets and then apply a BS5 class

on the div above

{% if settings.coderedcms.LayoutSettings.site_navbar %}

make sure to use a device-specific class name like 'lg' unless you want it to be right-aligned in mobile too.

First, you might want to look at some of the Bootstrap code examples:

Most likely you will need to override the navbar.html template to customize it. In your project, create a file templates/coderedcms/snippets/navbar.html. Then copy our default navbar and edit it to your liking.