
Unable to execute runserver

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Following a fresh installation, each attempt to execute runserver results in various errors (see screen dump) the first of which appears to be:
AttributeError: 'FetchFromCacheMiddleware' object has no attribute '_async_check'

A couple of notes:
I have followed the steps as outlined here (both pro & basic):
A fresh install of DJango alone works fine
I am new to Python and coderedcms

Steps to reproduce

PS> py -m venv venv
PS> powershell -noexit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
(venv) PS> pip install coderedcms
(venv) PS> coderedcms start "folder name"
(venv) PS> cd "folder name"
(venv) PS> python migrate
(venv) PS> python createsuperuser (I used admin with same pw as pc)
(venv) PS> python runserver

I have deleted the project and virtual folders and restarted several times, each with the same error.

Python 3.11.6

This is caused by wagtail-cache coderedcorp/wagtail-cache#74, a fix is in progress.

The solution is to pip install Django==5.0.* for now, and pin that in your requirements.txt