roles question
victusfate opened this issue · 0 comments
It appears my local redis, couch, and neo4j instances have been prepared but I'm not seeing any roles listed for artists. I can see in couch that Rodrigo's listed under Men at Work as backing vocals and lead guitar as roles.
no roles show up for Rodrigo Aravena.
I tried to debug by hitting the neo4j shell directly with the query:
g.V[[name:"Rodrigo Aravena"]].in('member').name.uniqueObject
on the gremlin command line of the http/web admin, but no dice.
Any hints on what might be going wrong for me locally?
Here's my local setup:
redis: 2.4.8
neo4j: 1.6.1 community
couchbase server 2.0.0-dev4 (maybe the issue is couchbase != couchdb?)
node 0.4.12
node packages:
├── bricks@1.1.1
├── commander@0.2.0
├── cookies@0.1.6
├── csv@0.0.10
├── date-utils@1.2.9
├── eventemitter2@0.4.8
├── jade@0.20.0
├── mime@1.2.5
├── mkdirp@0.3.0
├── mustache@0.3.1-dev
├── node-uuid@1.3.3
├─┬ optimist@0.3.1
│ └── wordwrap@0.0.2
└── redis@0.7.1
The populate_couch script hung at the very end, I changed a < to a <= and exited as expected.
The graph_sync script waits after a bit of time with the following:
{ doc: 38608,
band: 866,
artist: 4214,
member: 4214,
role: 4553,
plays: 4553 }
I was expecting 38584 total from redis.
bands, keys :*
is a great repl command.
I guess there's only 866 unique bands.
Thanks again for putting together the talk/github repo. Although I couldn't read the text on the video, I could follow along with the source.