
[ERROR] [MY-000000] [WSREP] Unsupported protocol version -1

thorewi opened this issue · 0 comments


after restarting mysql and waiting for clone plugin to finish, I'm receiving this:

2023-05-02T06:54:13.790789Z 15 [ERROR] [MY-000000] [WSREP] Unsupported protocol version -1
2023-05-02T06:54:13.790806Z 15 [Warning] [MY-000000] [WSREP] key prepare failed for: INSERT INTO request (uuid, type, state, data, request, created_at) VALUES ('510c95db-9d9f-4ff2-9b71-b3b059c47a67', 'send_login_sms', 'pending', NULL, 'a:1:{s:4:\"body\";a:1:{s:12:\"phone_number\";s:13:\"\";}}', '2023-05-02 06:54:13')

Any INSERT or UPDATE is not possible, but for example create database or create table is possible. We are using a solution with 2 masters and one arbitrator.

On second restart everything was fine.

I hit this bug/behaviour several times.

Thank you.