
Playlist support?

097115 opened this issue · 2 comments

Great software, I'm really enjoying it, saves me from all the crap that youtube pages are full of ;)

But wouldn't it be also great to add something like ytools-chain that would create a playlist of provided picks? And run it after ytools-search like this:

mpv $(ytools-chain 2 3 4 6 8)

I'm happy to hear you enjoy ytools!

mpv has support for *.m3u files. You can write youtube URLs - each on it's own line - into a <playlist_name>.m3u file and then run the playlist via mpv <playlist_name>.m3u.

The following script would achieve something quite similar to what you described. If you name it ytools-chain, you could call it like ytools-chain 1 2 5 after doing ytools-search:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

mv "${tmp_file_no_suffix}" "${tmp_file}"
trap "rm -f ${tmp_file}" 0 2 3 15

for search_result in "$@"
    ytools-pick "${search_result}" >> "${tmp_file}"

mpv --ytdl-format "bestaudio/best" --no-video \
    --term-playing-msg='Title:${media-title}' "${tmp_file}"

Also take a look at ytpi, ytpv and ytpa in the porcelain/ directory. I recently added those scripts to add basic support for playlists.

Let me know if this is what you were looking for, so that I can close this issue.

Thanks, that's superb (and TIL about signals)
