
A Pedestal plugin for Leiningen

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Very much a work in progress.

Please take a look in the code until real documentation is written.

These are the available options and some of their defaults. In your project.clj:

:pedestal {:servlet-description "Pedestal HTTP Servlet" ;; default if not supplied
           :servlet-display-name "Pedestal HTTP Servlet" ;; default if not supplied
           :servlet-name "PedestalServlet" ;; default if not supplied
           :servlet-class "io.pedestal.servlet.ClojureVarServlet" ;; default if not supplied
           :server-ns "YOU NEED TO SUPPLY THIS"
           :url-pattern "/*"
           :web-xml "war-resources/WEB-INF/web.xml" ;; optional: use this instead of generating
           :war-resource-paths ["war-resources"]
           :manifest {"Created-By" "Joe Company"} ;; merged into defaults
           :war-name "blah.war" ;; defaults to project name and version
           :uberwar-name "blah-standalone.war" ;; defaults to project name and version -standalone
           :war-exclusions [#"immutant\.init\.clj" #"^.+/web\.xml$" #"^.+/myapp-.+.conf$" #"^.+/logback-test\.xml$" ] ;; optional: a vector of regex strings
           :include-compile-path false}


Use this for user-level plugins:

Put [ohpauleez/lein-pedestal "0.1.0-beta10"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile or...

Use this for project-level plugins:

Put [ohpauleez/lein-pedestal "0.1.0-beta10"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

FIXME: and add an example usage that actually makes sense:

$ lein pedestal [war | uberwar | help]

You can supply a war/jar name from the command line:

$ lein pedestal uberwar my-project.war


Copyright Paul deGrandis © 2013

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.