
feat: comments block

Closed this issue · 0 comments


As a user, I want to be able to see

  • the [Number] of comments,
  • and a write a comment form,
  • and the A list of comments

[Number] of comments

As a user, I want to see 27 comments when the number of comments is 27,
And No comments when there are none,
and 1 comment when there is only one.

write a comment form

I want to see the icon of the current logged user to the left,
and a placeholder text Write comment for the input area,
and a smiley icon,
and a Send message icon button.

A list of comments

As a user I want to be able to see It seems you're the first one to comment. Make it count! when there are no comments,
and a list of one or more comments,
and inside each element in the list, I want to see the comment author small avatar,
and the name of the author,
and the date when the comment was created,
and how many likes and dislikes it has,
and a dropdown button for the reply and other buttons.




original from

feat: comments block #12